Emergency rooms are inherently hectic, fast-paced environments, as decisions and medical care need to happen quickly to prevent serious complications to people’s health. Despite the fact that we may rely on emergency rooms for immediate medical care, unfortunately, these facilities can also be environments that are rife with mistakes, medical negligence and malpractice.
In this three-part blog series, we will point out some important facts to know when it comes to emergency room mistakes and medical malpractice. If you believe that you’ve been harmed by malpractice in an emergency room setting, you can turn to an experienced and trusted Denver malpractice attorney at Cristiano Law, LLC for help:
Interestingly, up to 50 percent of all medical malpractice claims are associated with alleged emergency room mistakes. While this may be a shocking fact on the surface, it makes a bit more sense when considering the facts that:
Given the above-stated points, this fact about emergency room mistakes may more evident. As a study published in the online version of BMC Emergency Medicine has reported, at least 60 percent of emergency room mistakes are primarily caused by some type of human error. Examples of the human error that can contribute to emergency room mistakes and, in turn, patients’ injuries include (but are not necessarily limited to):
In addition to human error, some of the other causes of emergency room mistakes (according to the BMC study) include:
We will resume this discussion regarding emergency room mistakes in a second and third part of this blog series that will be published soon – be sure to look for them!
If you have been injured due to any type of emergency room mistake – or any type of medical malpractice in general, a trusted Denver malpractice attorney at Cristiano Law, LLC is here for you. Ready to put their experience and resources to work for you, all of our experienced lawyers at been dedicated to upholding the belief that the practice of law is a helping profession for more than 33 years.
You can learn more about your rights, as well as how we can help you, by attending an initial consult with one of our Denver medical malpractice lawyers. In most cases, these initial consultations are free, and we can get a case started at no cost to our clients. To set up a meeting with one of our attorneys, call us at (303) 407-1777 or email us using the form on this page.
Evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience, and our attorneys can commute to your city or town to meet you to ensure that you get the legal help you need wherever you may need it.