October 1, 2014

Diagnostic Errors and Malpractice Cases: FAQs (Pt. 1)

Diagnostic errors – including the failure to diagnose or misdiagnosing a condition – are among the most common forms of medical malpractice. While such mistakes can lead to people’s conditions getting worse and possibly progressing to less treatable stages, in the worst cases, diagnostic errors can result in potentially life-threatening complications.

When people are hurt by diagnostic errors, they should be aware that:

  • These mistakes can be indicative of medical malpractice.
  • Injured people may have legal recourse to hold the negligent medical professionals responsible while obtaining the compensation they deserve for their injuries.

In this blog series, we will answer some commonly asked questions about diagnostic errors and medical malpractice lawsuits. Although the info provided herein is helpful and insightful, it is general in nature. To receive more specific info regarding your situation and case, contact a Denver medical malpractice lawyer at Cristiano Law, LLC.

Answers about Malpractice Cases for Diagnostic Errors…

Q – How do I know if malpractice contributed to the diagnostic errors in my case?

Do you have questions about diagnostic errors and malpractice cases? If so, we have answers – check out these FAQs, or call us today.
Do you have questions about diagnostic errors and malpractice cases? If so, we have answers – check out these FAQs, or call us today.

A – The best way to find out more definitively whether medical malpractice may have been involved in your diagnostic error is to consult with an experienced attorney and receive a professional case evaluation.

However, in general, the following may be some indications that malpractice contributed to the diagnostic errors and, in turn, your injuries:

  • The failure of doctors or other medical professionals to run certain diagnostic tests prior to diagnosing your condition
  • Another doctor (or medical professional) having a completely different opinion regarding your condition than the first doctor (or other medical professional)
  • Your condition getting progressively worse despite undergoing the specified treatment (when your condition is not inherently terminal).

If these factors may be associated with your case, contact an attorney ASAP.

Q – How long do I have to file my malpractice case?

A – Two years, according to Colorado law. However, determining when that two years starts can be tricky, as it may start on the date of the incident or mistake that caused the diagnostic error/ your injuries or it may start on the date on which the diagnostic errors were officially discovered (and this could be, for example, the date on which your complications from the diagnostic errors were diagnosed).

All of that being said, the takeaways here are that:

  • There are strict time limits for filing these types of malpractice cases.
  • The longer you wait, the more significantly your case may be impacted (with the greatest impact being losing the right to file because the statute of limitations has expired).
  • You should act as soon as possible if you believe that you may have a malpractice case based on allegations of some diagnostic errors.

For some more answers to commonly asked questions about diagnostic errors and medical malpractice lawsuits, be sure to check out the second and third parts of this blog series that will be posted soon!

You Can Trust a Denver Medical Malpractice Lawyer at Cristiano Law, LLC

Have you suffered complications related to diagnostic errors or other medical negligence? If so, a Denver malpractice attorney at Cristiano Law, LLC is here, ready to put his experience and resources to work for you.

To set up a meeting with one of our attorneys, call us at (303) 407-1777 or email us using the form on this page. In most cases, these initial consultations are free, and we can get a case started at no cost to our clients.

Evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience, and our attorneys can commute to your city or town to meet you to ensure that you get the legal help you need wherever you may need it.

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